July 4th Break

During the entire week of the 4th of July, PwC closes its offices, which means I got an entire week off.

On the first weekend, I went to the New York City Pride March. The march this year celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall riots in NYC. I went to an exhibit at the library and learned more about the riots and the evolution of the gay community in public throughout the 50s, 60s, and 70s. The march was a lot of fun. We first went through the company booths and got a ton of free things- mostly rainbow colored. Then we watched the first two hours of the parade. It was mostly city of New York organizations. Because it was so hot, we went back to the dorm and hung out until about 5 when we decided to watch the parade again. When we went back out, there were a lot more floats we recognized of brands and companies. We even got to see the cast of Queer Eye on the Netflix float and Neil Patrick Harris and his family.

The next day we met up with some friends from Ohio State at the park in Chinatown. We caught up on each others' internships and summers.

On Monday I was by myself because all of my friends were at work, so I went to the Met. I spent most of my time in the Egypt exhibit and the American painters. I also briefly went through the CAMP exhibit, but there were a lot of people and I was getting hungry, so I left.

On the Fourth of July, my roommate and I went downtown to see the fireworks. We got there pretty early so we got good seats close to the river. The show was really cool and the view was great. The walk home took almost an hour though as we didn't want to wait forever for the subway.

The next day the two of us went to Coney Island. When we got there is was cloudy and the water was freezing so we spent most of the day laying on the beach and reading. At around 1 the sun started to come out and it got a lot warmer so we went into the water for a bit. Unfortunately, I got very sunburned as my sunscreen was only SPF 30.

I was in a lot of pain because of my sunburn so I spent the next day inside. But, on Sunday I got out of bed and walked around Central Park with my roommate.

It was a nice, relaxing week, but I'm excited to keep working. More people are going to be back from vacation next week which should mean more work.


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